
Qualitativ hochwertiges Öl leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine ausgewogene Ernährung.
Mit dem passenden Essig oder Balsam dazu wird das Gericht nicht nur gewürzt sondern veredelt.
Genuss pur - am liebsten täglich!

Haselnuss öl

Haselnussöl 250ml


Hazelnut oil 250ml

Made from selected nuts and in the gentle pressing process is made this pale yellow, clear and tasty Oil a delicacy and is one of the highest quality edible oils. With a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins This oil gives every dish a wonderfully spicy note.

Combine with me: pomegranate vinegar, aronia balm, apple elderberry lime vinegar, sea buckthorn vinegar, ginger lemon vinegar, orange vinegar with champagne or raspberry vinegar.

€ 15,20
Walnuss Öl

Walnussöl 250ml


Walnut oil 250ml

This aromatic and high-quality oil can be combined with many dishes
and thanks to the high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids ideal for the conscious diet.

Best suited for cold dishes and delicious salads.

Combine me with: pomegranate vinegar, aronia balm, apple elderberry-lime vinegar, sea buckthorn vinegar, ginger-lemon vinegar, orange vinegar with champagne, raspberry vinegar.


€ 15,20
Traubenkern öl

Traubenkernöl 250ml


Grapeseed oil 250ml

The bright, mild grape seed oil is high
heatable and therefore ideal for
Cooking and frying.

It may also be great for salads and
Raw food can be used.

Combine me with: raspberry vinegar, pomegranate cider, aronia balm, beer balm, sea buckthorn vinegar, tomato balm.

€ 13,00
Olivenöl Zitrone

Olivenöl mit Zitrone 250ml


Olive oil with lemon 250ml

The wonderful fresh-lemony
Taste of this oil gives many dishes -
whether vegetarian or with fish, scampi, paella
Grill vegetables and salads a fine citrus note.

Combine me: apple elderberry lime vinegar, ginger lemon vinegar.

€ 15,20
Olivenöl Sizilien

Olivenöl Sizilien 250ml


Olive oil Sicily 250ml

From natural hand-picked fruits
This excellent oil is cold pressed.

After that it only keeps its greenish
golden yellow color and its fine aroma
ripe fruits and almonds being the
Acidity max. 0.4%.

Combine me: Aceto Balsamico the Modena, Condimento Balsamico Bianco, Tomato Balm, Beer Balm.

€ 15,20
Olivenöl Kreta

Olivenöl Kreta 250ml


Olive oil Crete 250ml

From natural hand-picked fruits
This excellent oil is cold pressed.

A delicious olive oil from the
Sun-drenched Greece.

Combine with me: Aceto Balsamico di Modena 7 years, Condimento Balsoamico Bianco, Tomato balm

€ 15,20