Massage gel & spray

Once it were the monasteries, housewives and herbalists who used apple pears distillate to make herb and plant tinctures.
Depending on how the different herbs and plants are put together, different effects can be achieved.

Alpenkräuter Eisgel

Alpenkräuter Eis Gel 150ml

SKU: 01049

Alpine herb ice gel, 150ml

Cools, refreshes and relaxes the body, very beneficial for stressed legs and joints, neck, forehead and temple.

Massage only specifically on the spot where the pain is.

Active ingredients: apple pear distillate, alpine herbal extract, camphor, menthol, peppermint oil, ethanol

€ 18,90
Ringelblumen Gel 150ml

Ringelblumen Gel – 150ml

SKU: 01148

Marigold Gel – 150ml

This massage gel has a calming and soothing affect on the skin. Massage several times daily on the affected skin. Feeds well and does not grease.

Active ingredients: apple pear distillate, marigold extract, St. John's wort extract, pine needle oil, ethanol

€ 18,90
Rosmarin Thermo Gel 150ml

Rosmarin Thermo Gel 150ml

SKU: 01247

Rosemary Thermo Gel, 150ml

Promotes blood circulation of the skin. Only massage specifically on the pain zone. Wash hands after use!

Active ingredients: apple pear distillate, horse chestnut extract, camphor, rosemary, lavender, thyme, nicotinic acid amide (thermo-effect), ethanol.

€ 18,90
Arnika Latschenkiefer Gel 150ml

Arnika Latschenkiefer Gel 150 ml

SKU: 01346

Arnica – Mountain Pine Gel 150ml

A pure treat after a stressful day, gardening or sports activities.

This gel can be applied over a large area, absorbs immediately and does not stain.

Active ingredients: arnica, menthol, mountain pine. (refreshing)

€ 18,90
Murmeltier-Öl Einreibung 150ml

Murmeltier-Öl Einreibung 150ml

SKU: 01445

Marmot Oil, 150ml

Pleasant relief for the musculoskeletal system since time immemorial. Massage several times daily on painful areas such as back and joints. Feeds by itself and does not grease.

Active ingredients: apple pear distillate, hay flowers, marmot oil, St. John's wort, arnica, menthol, juniper.

€ 20,90
Einreibung Erkältungsgel

Zitronen-Thymian Erkältungs Gel 150ml

SKU: 02237

Lemon-Thyme Cold Gel, 150ml

Against colds, coughs, hoarseness. Massage several times a day on the chest and back, but also on the soles of the feet. Also very suitable for children.

Active Ingredients: Pear Distillate, St. John's wort extract, lavender essential oil, lemon ethyl oil, eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil, ethanol

€ 21,90
Fuß Spray 100ml

Fuß Spray 100ml

SKU: 02039

Foot Spray, 100ml

Maintains and desodes the feet.

Refreshes, cools and invigorates heavy, tired feet and promotes blood circulation in the skin. Increases skin protection and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Active Ingredients: Tea Tree Oil, Marigold, Chamomile, Alpha Bisabolol, Natural Menthol and Farneol.

€ 15,90
Venen Spray 100ml

Venen Spray 100ml

SKU: 02138

Veines Spray, 100ml

Refreshes and cools tired and stressed legs.

Immediately absorbed and not greasy. Ideal, when you are on the road.

Active ingredients: horse chestnuts, gingo, clover, rosemary, lemon balm, oranges, lavender flowers.

€ 15,90